Average Joe’s Men’s Group
We are called to more than just a personal relationship with God, but a communal one. Join a group of other Catholic men as we meet to build a relationship with God and with each other through informal prayer, fellowship, and service. We meet twice per month over a cup of coffee (or a pint of beer) to share a meal, faith-filled conversation, and to fulfill that calling of our earthly mission with faith-based service in our parish and community. Our meetings start at either St. Ann’s or St. Philomena’s. From there we go forth: for food, fellowship, service…or all three. All men of the parish are welcomed and encouraged to bring a friend.
No RSVP for these events is typically necessary, but please sign up to receive e-mail notifications. We use e-mail to provide session specific information re/ time, date and materials. You can receive updates by contacting Sam Marcum: s.a.marcum@gmail.com.