Part of our responsibility as stewards of God’s gifts includes what is sometimes referred to as our “final act of stewardship” – the creation of our estate plan. We are pleased that you are taking time to consider your legacy – and the legacy of our Catholic faith.
Each of us has been blessed by God and entrusted with many gifts from Him. We are all called to receive God’s gifts gratefully, to cherish and tend these gifts, to share them in justice and love with others and to return them with increase to the Lord.
Our estate plan is part of our legacy, enabling us to use those gifts that have been given to us to provide for our loved ones in the future. We also have the opportunity to give witness to the importance of our faith and express our gratitude to God by making a gift to the Church that strengthens our parish for future generations.
Ready to Leave Your Legacy?
Have you made a decision to include our parish in your will or as named beneficiary of a trust, retirement account or life insurance policy? We recommend that you work with your advisor to accomplish this. After contacting your trusted advisor, this bequest language may be helpful:
In gratitude for all God has given to me, I give (specify dollar amount, percentage of estate, or description of asset) to Communion of Saints Parish, 2175 Coventry Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
(216) 321-0024 Tax ID #27-1606790
If you have already put your plans in place, thank you! Have you made a decision to include our parish in your will or as named beneficiary of a trust, retirement account or life insurance policy? We invite you to advise us of your plans so that we can acknowledge you for your generosity.
Looking for more information?
Learn about the different ways you can plan for a future gift to our parish by contacting Mr. Aldo Fierro at 216-321-0024 or bmr@communionofsaintsparish.org for a confidential conversation. Planning resources, including a free will-writing tool, can also be found at https://catholiccommunity.planmylegacy.org.